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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Eastman-Mullins

USASBE and West End Learning Partner to Create a New Curriculum Library for Entrepreneurship

This fall, The United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and West End Learning are partnering to create an innovative library of course materials tailored to USASBE members and their students.

Furthering their mission of connecting educators with high-quality digital course content, West End Learning will develop a digital teaching hub that combines its easy-to-use Syllect platform and library with USASBE content.

West End Learning will make it so much easier for our members to find the rich teaching materials we have in USASBE and co-create many more.-- Julienne Shields, CEO of USASBE

Faculty we support look to their peers for help evaluating teaching materials on quality, fit for course level, reputation of source, overlap with existing material, how engaging it is, and how to teach with it. Scholarly associations are a trusted discipline-specific home for these recommendations, but they often lack a simple way to facilitate that exchange with their members. With USASBE’s mission of advancing entrepreneurship education through bold teaching, scholarship, and practice, they share our vision of how associations can play a critical role.


Find more ideas for teaching entrepreneurship with Syllect. Learn more >>



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