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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Eastman-Mullins

Office Hours: PODagogy with Dr. Rebecca White of University of Tampa

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

Faculty have creatively transformed their classes as digital learning becomes a choice rather than a necessity. In this series, West End Learning celebrates their efforts and shares best practices, lessons learned, and recommended resources that extend into the future of higher education.

Dr. Rebecca White shares her expertise in “podagogy,” which she defines as the science of teaching and learning through podcasts, to engage her students in the curriculum.

She developed the “See, Do, Repeat” model of competency and creates new educational materials for her classes. With help from her library’s tech expert, Dr. White established En Factor, a podcast featuring entrepreneurship stories. In her podcast, she interviews entrepreneurs to find out how they overcome failures and challenges and explores the entrepreneurial mindset. You can find out more about En Factor and podagogy at

This clip is from the webinar, "Beyond the Book: Customizing Entrepreneurship Courses with OER," sponsored by Syllect, a curated set of open educational materials for teaching classes in entrepreneurship. Learn more about how Syllect can support your course.


Find more ideas for teaching entrepreneurship with Syllect. Learn more >>

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