EmcArts, a nonprofit known for its interdisciplinary approach to developing leaders in the arts, has transformed its in-person workshop series to a fully virtual experience with support from West End Learning.
For 20 years EmcArts has coached arts and cultural organizations to adapt to changing conditions and think in innovative ways. COVID’s heavy impact on the arts world has made their work especially relevant and urgent. We are excited to extend it to a broader audience through a new platform with a growing library of multi-media content.
With our experience in instructional design, content, and platform development, West End Learning applied learning tools and techniques to deliver the objectives of the program virtually. We sourced a team of designers, developers, editors, and voiceover actors who collaborated on the asynchronous portion of the program. Working closely with EmcArts, we determined technical options for the group sessions that meet synchronously.
West End Learning was drawn to this project because it presented a creative challenge: to go beyond the standard webinar and lecture class. EmcArts uses a variety of engaging in-person techniques, and this needed to be transformed into an active, reflective, and collaborative online experience.
Richard Evans, co-founder and president emeritus of EmcArts, explained, “Working with Andrea and West End Learning helped us adapt to new ways of designing and delivering our services. Andrea is an experienced professional who saw not only the programming changes needed, but also helped us organize internally to deliver a new kind of experience online. As our primary audience is leaders in the arts sector, we knew we needed to distinguish our digital work through a creative approach that was intriguing and different. Andrea helped us deliver!”
The first release will serve arts organizations in Toronto through a partnership with the Metcalf Foundation with additional series to come.